Welfare Biscuits 1939-1945


B. Bros.

Tin and stamp on one side of the wooden transport crate.

Bee Bee Biscuits


Brookes Biscuit Co Ltd


The Burton's tins on the end of the row have a paper label. Not very common!


Carr & Co. Ltd.


C.H.E. & S.


A sample of C.W.S. produced welfare biscuits..


Elkes & Fox

An opened but filled example dated 12/43 was donated by the Van Wijk family in Berkel en Rodenrijs in december 2023. This then 80-year old tin was kept since the war by the grandparents and parents of Jan van Wijk, who kindly donated the tin to us. 


F.C.Lowe Ltd


George Kemp Ltd.


11/43 Found in Eemnes

G.K. Ltd.

G.D. & Co. Ltd.

Gray Dunn


H & Co

H & P

A sample of H&P (Huntley and Palmer) produced welfare biscuits..


John Hill & Sons

A sample of John Hill & Sons produced welfare biscuits..

John Whittaker & Sons (Kingston) Ltd

February 1943

October 1944


K. & T.


McVitie & Price

March 16th, 2019, I bought a Mc. V & P biscuit tin. Still unopened. it was kept by the now 97-year old daughter of the Van der Velde family from Hilversum. This 6/44 dated tin is far right in the row.

The left one was bought in Veenendaal, no known history. The set in the middle was found in a barn near Amersfoort, november 2020.

The rigt one, dated 2/44 was found in a bric-a-brac store in Rotterdam Charlois on May 5th 2021.

M. & D. (B)

M. & D. (O)

This tin of manufacturer Meredith & Drew, dated '44, is still unopened. It was kept from the war years till 2021 by the Willems family.

Kindly donated to us with help of "Historische oorlogswandeling Strijd om de Maasbruggen" by the relatives of Hubertus Petrus (Bert) Willems, born July 9th, 1932.

M.& D. Halifax

Packed ?/43

Packed 8/44


ML. & Co.

Tin and stamp on one side of the wooden transport crate. Depite the fact that hese items were found separately, the dates do match.

These tins have a square shaped lid. On the end of the row, 6/44 and 10/44 dated tins with round shaped lid.

Different markings: 

Left: found in 2021 in a bicycle store in Laren, the Netherlands, this lot of 16 tins from the same manufacturer is kept together since the food aid in 1945. These tins have a round opening on top and a round lid. On the right, a full tin of biscuits of the samen brand, found in 2022.


Peek Frean


Serpell Reading


Spratts Patent

S.B. (S) Ltd. (Symbol Biscuits?)

S.P. Ltd. (Spillers Patent?)




W.B. Co. (S)

W.C. & S.

W. Dunmore & Son Ltd.

Weston Biscuits (Edinburgh)

W.G. & S. Ltd.

W.G.C. & S. (1929) Ltd

Wm Gunstone & Sons Ltd.

A sample of Gunstone produced welfare biscuits..

William MacDonald & Sons

W. & R. Jacob

W & S

Wrights Biscuits

W.B.R. Ltd. (Wyllie, Barr, Ross Ltd.)